Monday, October 4, 2004

I'll be Back Soon.

You know how everyone is always saying that doggies are loyal and patient? Well, it occurred to me how painful it must be for doggies to wait for us all day. We don't like waiting, do we? Why should we think it's any the less painful for them? I do hope I treat these guys OK.

I try to take the them everywhere I go, but so many places will not let dogs inside and, in the insufferable heat, it's dangerous to leave them in a car, even if the windows are down. Inevitably they have to be left at home where it's cool. But there's no explaining to them why.

I try to reassure them when I leave. I say, "Be goo' boys now" and "I'll be back soon." But that conceptual assurance means nothing to them. What they hear is the "he's-leaving-bark". So I pet them and sometimes hug them and do what I can to let them know that I love them.

Invariably when I come back, there are two noses, pressed against the glass sliding doors waiting for my return. In truth, I feel bad for leaving them alone and I am just as happy to see them as they are to see me.
