Monday, December 27, 1999

The Demands of the Day

To a dear friend with a Seasonal birthday:

There are two ways to look at this sort of thing, as illustrated by Fips and Rosco on that other person's birthday.... Both doggies got BIG real bones with an inch diameter of juicy marrow and lots of fat, meat and gristle. Rosco jumps and grabbing his runs off to a private corner where he spends the rest of the afternoon chewing and gnawing in mindless contentment. Fipsie, jumps, grabs and then spends the entire next 12 hours sitting there sullenly guarding the great treasure, looking at everyone with suspicious and worried eyes.

I hope you have a ROSCO kind of day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting to find Roscoe the more enlightened spiritual being on this one. Their doggie characters are as layered, contadictory and complex as ours. Great piece.