Friday, May 29, 2009

Morning Trot-About

Now that pre-summer is here, Das Pack have started our morning walks again. Come June, by mid-morning, it gets too hot for the fuzzy butts. They’re all eager to get out but, once the sun’s hard glare starts heating furr, their strength gets sapped. When Fips and Rosco were younger, (and the Earth cooler), they could trot a full Loopy Loop circuit even at 11.30 provided they got some water slurps half way through. That was then.

So now, I’ve got to drag my white butt out of bed by 6:00, so that we can get to the track and field by 6:30 (one hopes!) and at least finish the walk by 7:30 or maybe 8.00. One needn’t be too damn military about this.

Last year, before The Fires, I would take the pups to the track around 8.00, But even by then it started to heat up and I didn’t feel that comfortable power trotting Fips more than two laps. I might try to work in a lap or two for Rosco to help him loose weight, but otherwise will let their pups set their own pace.

At seven, there’s still a fresh nip in the air, the sun is soft and a sheen of cool dew covers the grass and feels good on the spongies.

And by 8.00 I'll be back in bed.....


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