Friday, December 11, 2009

A Curious & Appreciative Audience

The other day I was practicing the "Twanger" -- the thing that passes for a piano around here -- when I looked down and saw Fipsie looking up at me with that inquiring look that ask, "How do you do that?"

"Yes" I said, as Fips moved closer and poked his nose to where the sound was coming from.

I played some Hanon as Fips continued to listen with a sort of tranquil intensity.

It has been too long without a piano. In the early days it was Rudy mostly who would curl up next to me on the bench as I played; on rare occasion Hobbs. I don't think Fips was all that interested in the piano-sounds until we moved to Middletown, where on one fascinating evening I showed him how he too could make these sonorous noises.

These days, when I start to play, Fips will usually come over, sit on his haunchies and stare up at me. Sometimes he will poke close toward the piano as if examining or analyzing the sounds coming from the box. He knows that I make the sounds, but he distinguishes where the sounds themselves come from. Almost alwas, he will eventually curl up nearby allowing himself to be lulled by the music.

Lord only knows what depth and complexity of tones he hears but at least someone appreciates my playing !


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