Sunday, September 17, 1995

Tusslin' and Splashin'

Lothar is making himself welcome and proving himself to be a wonderful dog. But we know we can't keep him and Michael has taken over the task of contacting lab-rescue sources so that we can find him a home. He's been in touch with some Swiss woman up in Washington State whose apparent mission in life is to save all labs and who is sending us de-worming pills, an application and a list of precise instructions which we must follow or be disqualified. Michael and I exchange a look, but decide to play along anyway.

In the DoggieSphere, oblivious to what is going on on planet-human, Fips and Lothar are tusseling eachother out.

"He is very playful and, in the several days we've had him, has struck up a tossling, running friendship with our wire-haired dachshund -- who apparently couldn't resist liking the 'intruder'. The lab, whom we've temporarily named 'Lothar', loves to run, roll around, and wrestle. "

I'm relieved and amazed at how Fips and Lothar have worked out their equilibrium. `They surely have to be conscious of the disparity in their sizes and strengths but there doesn't seem to be any jockeying for domi- nance. Instead their wrestling consists in a spontaneous choreography of playful positioning.

We've been very careful to be even-steven with both on everything, and almost immediately upon beginning our therapeutic stroking of Lothar we realized that we'd have to show equal attention to Mr. Fips. Once "security" was established the way was clear for puppy-friendship.

The cats want none of this and have reserved themselves into their own world.

“We took him to the Bay on Sunday, and he plunged in and started paddling about in total doggie-joy."
Sunday was perfect outing weather and so Mike and I took the dogs to the "Oh-shin"at Wiley Field by the bay. I ran my five miles while Mike and Lothar lolled on the grass and Fips ran to and fro between us . When I had finished, we all headed down to the water.

Michael held onto Lothar while we gave Fips a little "bal" time to himself and then released the water-pup into his element.

Here we did have to moderate the situation because the excitement of being in water so overwhelms Lothar that he nearly drowned Fips who, needless to say, was stunned and none too pleased.

But no grudges held and both got their fill of water-time.

What well-being to be able to run in the sun along water's edge and then splash about in the oh-shin with happy dogs.


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